Clan MacPherson Tartan |

There be....a price to pay,
....for eternity, ...for dependency,
....for misers' greed, ...for lovers' lie,
...for dreams, ...you cannot decide,...
'tis your freedom.
Clan MacPherson Crest |

Touch not the Cat without a Glove |
My background and philosophy.
...when I was younger, ..students named me
...wisened by experience, ..I am now the
Dr. Khan Foxx |
Teacher, writer : LiuHe BaFa |
Youthful Apprentise |

Boston as Student |
Stolen Childhood, Fatherhood Remains |
Abduction is a Crime |
Xi Hu Ge Han |
Western Fox Standard of Han |
My History, ...no mystery, ...no mythology.
lifes' a blog
I began an interest in asian ideas and associated exercises at about the
age of eight. I did not become seriously organized about this until the age of ten. Like many children with oppressive
parents and anagonistic neighbor children, my early goals were 'omnipotence' and 'survival'. It took time for me to
understand that pursuing warrior-ways inhibits spirit balance. I had an aptitude for insightfulness and did
connect with teachers of talent and compassion.
From an introduction of judo, aiki-jiujitu and fukien-sanshien,
my first duo of teachers were T.T.Liang and John ChungLi in Boston (Mr.Li wished for me to be his first protege');
I was unaware at the time that that Mr. Li was also a student of Msr.Han Xing Yuan (which resulted in his
mixing of Yi-Quan with LiuHeBaFa as the "HuaYo-TaiChi" he was then teaching ).
I was also unaware that T.T.Liang was the protege-lineage master-teacher of grand-master Chen Man-ching.
My second duo (or trio) of teachers was in San Francisco: Mr.
Ho (a student of Sun LuTang), his friend Kuo Lien Ying (a student of Wang Xiang Jai), and Jiu MoonJiao (a student of Mr.Ho
and also of Chen Yik Yan and Han Xing Yuan); also Moon was a longtime friend of Henry Look and Fong Ha.
When I look back at these teachers, it is surprising that I did not
seek any of them, we just connected; amazing in itself.
Morehei Ueshiba, Spirit
Jiu MoonJiao Professor of ancient chinese history and philosphy
at San Francisco State University, he could perceive thru and past the Taoist Canon.
Ho LingTze, closest mindset to Starwars' Master Yoda. Also, his stories about the kindness of his teacher Sun LuTang and how
much Msr. Sun disliked fighting.
Han XingYuan, his advise 'don't waste your life learning martial art'...'if
you want to kill someone, get a gun; ...a job and making money is more useful'
...to the tree-limb in San Francisco that broke with the wind and fell
from above to where I was practicing zhan zhuang-standing-post: ...'nice try'.
...to the tree-leaf, that I sensed falling and incoming that I caught
and let rest on my shoulder as I walked and then let repel down my arm until it rested in my hand, ... we moved
together without the need to 'push'.
Ho LingTze : ... I met a teacher who became a friend ... his words were similar and simple: ....'do not call me SIFU, I
am not your father' ...'do not call me master, that responsibility is yours' ...'I will be your guide, and a friend
you will lose' ...'bow to yourself, not to me' ...'find what you need, farm, fish, and hunt..you'll need all' ...'learn
what's needed'... 'want can wait' ...'don't get stuck on serious'
Sun Lutang's advice to Mr. Ho was, 'if you are challenged, accept it as serious; inform the challenger that
if he wishes to proceed, 'you will not be able to have him as a friend tomorrow.' Meaning, that the match will
be to the death.
The power side of the family |

makes a royal connection |
The Scot power side
of the family, if viewed far enough back in history reveals :
Clan Wallace, Sir William Wallace's
children married into the MacPherson Clan
Clan MacPherson,
were so anti-british, they almost got themselves wipped out.
Clan Sinclair, who protected the
Knights Templar Treasure..are linked to the MacPherson Clan [recently via NASA engineer Bert Sinclair]
Moby Dick
Pursuits : Persuing 'justice' against any government ...teaches that they do not function on justice, but only on CAPITAL. Persuing 'rights' against police and governements ...only teaches
that they are protective complicit 'partners' demanding only 'citizen' obediance. Petitioning for 'intervention' with governments ...only teaches that they deny 'responsibility' by 'legal domain' or 'sovereignty' ...'diplomacy' takes presidence over Human or Childrens' Rights. Thus it is OK to comprimise morality when 'dealing' with a foreign country lacking basic fair justices. Petitioning for change ...only teaches that the self-authorized 'authorities' and 'royalties' are without basic morality, the 'people' should be 'proud' to die for nationalism.
Thus, I WILL NOT COMPLY. Imagine
China today demanding Chengis Khan to show visas and passports? Imagine Thailand
today demanding Prince Sidharta cannot enter as he is Indian?
Famous Places-Famous People:
Lineage: [LiuHe BaFa] <0>Wu
YiHui [founder LiuHeBaFa] <1>Liang ZhiPeng
(BaGua-LHBF) <1>Fang PakXing (TaiChi-LHBF+)
<2>Li Chung <3>Foxx
<1>Chen YikYan<2>Li Chung<3>Foxx <2>Kam
Tung<3>Jiu MoonJiao<4>Foxx <2>Jiu MoonJiao <3>Foxx <0>'Water-style' friend of
Sun LuTang [Nanjing] <1>Ho LingTze [water qigong+water-style boxing] <3>Foxx
Lineage: [Xin- Yi ~ Yi-Quan]
<0>Kuo YunShen [Grandmaster XingYi] <1>Wang XiangZhai..(1886-1963),
[YiQuan-QiGong]. <2>Kuo LienYing (1895-1984) [Universal QiGong] <3>Foxx <2>Han XingYuan<3>Li Chung<4>Foxx <2>Han XingYuan<3>Jiu MoonJiao <4>Foxx <2>Han XingYuan <3>Foxx
<0>KuoYunShen <1>Sun LuTang (1861-1933)...[XingYi, BaGua, TaiChi] <2>Ho LingTze (1903-1993) [XinYi-QiGong] <3>Foxx
Lineage: [TaiChi-styles]
Yang Lu-Chan--Yang Ban-Hou
|-Wang Jiao-Yu->
<0>Cheng ManChing (1900-1975) <1>T.T. (TungTsai)
Liang <2>Foxx
Lineage: Guo-Lin [Walking QiGong]
<0>Guo Lin (1906-1984).
<1>Berta LinChi (Daughter GuoLin) <2> Foxx
Lineage: AiKiDo-Qi
Lineage: Fukien Style 'PanGaiNoon'
<0>Kanei Uechi [Fujin SanShin] <2>Foxx
<1>Ted Danson <2>
[Associated Contacts :
wingchun, bakmei, mitsung-yi, okinawa-goju, japan-goju]
Brick #102653, Sect.P74 |

Coco, Conner Foxx, PoPo, JouJou |
For the 50th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge in
1987, a memorial walkway comprised of personalized bricks was constructed at the southeast side of the Bridge in the visitor
area, just north of the Strauss Statue. The walkway program was implemented in March 1988 with 7,416 bricks sold.
Walkway Section: P74, Brick #102653,
is inscribed: "COCO & CONNER FOXX POPO & JOUJOU"
Degree Programs :
Physics/ Mathematics, Boston University,
BioChemistry-PreMedical, Suffolk
Univ., Boston
Systems Analysis Design, Berkeley-Univ.
Graphics Design, Institute Art,
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Min-An,
Medical Curriculum, Univ.Hawaii
Medical Therapeutics, WatPo, Bangkok
Real World Pursuits :
CV&P-Nuclear Power-Licensing; Tinsley Laboratories
: Mars Lander, Hubble SpaceTelescope; Sybex Publishers-Media Research; TRW-InfoSystems-;
Try Science |
