
Walking Qi Gong- -Lin Guan-Ming Methods

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Lin Guan Mings' New Walking Qi Gong:
[note: the basic exercise is supplemented with other Qi Gong methods and with accupressure point massage]

The Outline of Guo Lin New Qigong Joe Hing Kwok Chu 

[Free training in guolin qigong walk in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California. Note: he also has an excellent reference for TCM, herbs, formula.]

 I.  Three breathing and three openings and closings:   Stand straight with arms relaxed. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth three times.  Then  imagine there is an energy field between the hands. When inhaling, imagine the energy field expands and pushes the hands apart. When exhaling, imagine the energy field collapses and the hands go back to the original position.  Do this three times.

 II.  Rising and lowering with openings and closings:  Stand with feet about one leg's length apart with arms hanging down on both sides. Then hold hands up in front of your chest. Hold them apart about shoulders' width. When inhaling, imagine there is an energy field between the hands and the energy pushes the hands apart. Bend the knees to lower the stance. When exhaling, imagine that the energy field collapses.  The hands go back to the original position (down on the sides).  Straighten the legs. Repeat three times.

Next take one step forward. Hold the hands up in front of your chest a shoulders' width apart. When inhaling,  imagine there is an energy field between the hands and the energy pushes the hands apart. When exhaling, imagine that the energy field collapses; drop the hands and bend the knees. Repeat three times.

 III. Loosening the waist

        a. Moving the arms and waist:  Stand with feet apart about shoulders' width. Place the right hand over the point (Sea of Qi) at one and one-half inches below the navel.  Place the left hand at the back with the back of the hand resting on the acupoint shenshu. (Shenshu points are one and one-half inches on the left and the right from the acupoint mingmen . The mingmen is an acupoint on the spine opposite the navel.)

When inhaling, raise the front arm (right arm) in the front of the body all the way over your head. Then exhale and lower the arm by continuing to move in a large curve to the back and end up at the right shenshu. Repeat with the other arm. Repeat three times.

        b. Turning with bow-arrow stance:   Place both hands on your back with the backs of your hands resting on Shenshu points. Step forward with your left leg and bend your left knee until you cannot see your toes. The right leg is straight. The width of the stance is about one leg's length. Hold the position for the duration of six or nine counts. Repeat with the other side. Repeat six times.

        c. Tilting forward:  Place both hands on your back with the back of your hands resting on Shenshu points. Stand with both feet apart about shoulders' width. Tilt forward about 15-20 degrees. Repeat tilting forward three times.

 IV. Walking with breath control:

  Usually practice this at least 2 hours a day. (to be uploaded soon)

 V.  Massaging acupoints:

 VI. Closing with three openings and closings and three breathing (closing means end of the practice and exit the program)

     Stand straight with arms relaxed.  Then  imagine there is an energy field between the hands. When inhaling, imagine the energy field expands and pushes the hands apart. When exhaling, imagine the energy field collapses and the hands go back to the original position.  Then inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth three times. 

As in all Guo Lin exercises, women start with the right side and men start with the left.
These directions are for women. Men use the opposite leg and arm.
Practice this for about 2 hours a day.

1. Inhale twice with two half-steps, Palm in front of Sea of Qi
Women place their right leg in back. With the left palm (Palace of Labor) facing the Sea of Qi , a point 1 1/2 inches below the navel,  move your right leg even with the left and pause, resting on the ball of the foot. As you do this, inhale halfway and pause the breath briefly. Then take another half-step forward with the right leg, filling the lungs as you do. Pause and hold your breath. Keep your left palm in front of your belly.

2. Exhale with one full step and switch arms
Now take the next step, a full step, with the other leg, landing ahead of the first leg. Exhale as you step. As you move your leg, switch your arms easily and normally, placing your other hand in front of your belly, and the first arm by your side.

Continue this in a gentle easy rhythm. You will find it easier as you practice. You may walk in a slow, medium or fast speed.  You may walk for some time--hours even.

3.  Switch  Legs
After you have been doing this for some time and if you feel tired, you may stop and change sides, doing the half-step with the other leg.


Lin Guan Ming, artistic name of Lin Mei Su and Qing Xi Ci Ren, daughter
of 1911 Revolutions martyr Lin Bao Wen; born in Guangdong Province, Zhong
Shan County, San Xiang Ping Nan Village.
She graduated from Guongdong Provincial Women’s Teachers College Art Department.
She worked as a teacher at the Guang Zhou Zie Fang Girls School.  Later, in
Hong Kong, she was Dean of the Tong De- and Hua Nan-Institutes. She also
served as the Head of the Wei Wei Painting Academy of Macao. In Tapei, she
taught art at the Jian Guo High School and in Shanghai she was the Head of
the Women’s Art Academy.
She was a member of the prestigious Beijing Painting Research Society and
also a member of the Chinese Fine Art Commission.  She was an advisor to
the 21 Provincial Qi Gong Committees.
For painting she always used the name Lin Mei Su.  She is considered one of
the country’s famous painters.  She was a person of superior intellect.
Earlier in her career, she copied ancient paintings.  Through such in-depth
study, she became so familiar with them that she was able to paint a copy
from memory.  She most loved the styles of the ancient painters Ding Xiang
and Shi Xi.  That is why she gave herself the other name Qing Xi Ci Ren which
means "lover of Qing and Xi" in homage to their influence.
She was best at landscape painting.  Her painting style was forceful, but with
elegant classical colors.  Although we can see in her paintings some of the
best characteristics of the works of Qing Xiang and Shi Xi, her style is at
the same time very much her own.  She traveled to and painted all the
famous scenery of China.  Before Liberation, she went to Taiwan three times
to paint landscape sceneries.  Although Lin Mei Su was a woman-painter, the
atmosphere of her landscape paintings is rather 'masculine' and grand as she
painted with strong brush strokes.  The famous Chinese master-painter Zhang
Da Qian praised her paintings as being without any effeminate weakness and
also wrote dedications on some of her paintings.
In her early years, Lin Mei Su wrote a poem of her own on one of her
paintings describing how she buys rouge,-not for her face, but to mix with
her other paints.  This tells a great deal about her character.  Her great
talent is evident from the fact that she had her first exhibition at the
time of her graduation. 
She had her paintings exhibited in nearly every major city of China.  Her
work was also selected several times for the All China Painting Exhibitions.
Her abilities were not only in the Arts. When she was in school, she won
gold medals in the Guang Zhou -around-the-city 20 km foot race as well as in
the bicycle race.  Perhaps for her dual prowess in both Athletics and the Arts,
she was called the "strange woman" by her schoolmates.
In her middle age, she became ill with cancer and had an operation.  After
her recovery, she decided to study traditional Qi Gong health exercise to
protect herself from relapse.  Through her Qi Gong studies, she created her
own --"New Qi Gong Healing Method". Due to its efficacy, she became
internationally known.  She worked relentlessly and without rest to benefit
others. She published many books about Qi Gong and chose to author them
under the name Guo Lin.
On December 14, 1984, at the age of 75, she was stricken with cerebral
hemorrhage and died the same day.
In her birthplace, a pavilion called Guo Lin Monument was built from
public donations to honor her contributions to the village and as a shining
example to the young people of China.
Biography by Berta Lin-Chi (Daughter Madam Guo-Lin)
   rewritten and edited by Khan Foxx
[Both LinChi and Khan were at TRW Information Systems as Database Managers]