Common fundamentals, shared
between all 'internal' martial exercises : 1. Central axial ordering 2. Orb variation principle and quality 3. Crossing / crossover integration 4. Finding limits and triggers.
Dynamic Central Standing without Intent |

Teacher Li Chung |

Orb variation principle and
quality : The water or flowing principle
is central to IMA, but only receives core attention in water style. The principle is flowing, but not as flowing in
water nor swimming in water, nor wading in water. With the mind-feel leading [and the body following] one can immediately
become flow; this is absorption in out-of-water contexts. This cannot be achieved by simple nor yi quan standing and stepping;
this can only be done while blending and becoming. This is taught within ki-aikido to blend and be with actions; surprisingly,
all of the usual 3-IMA's usually taught do not consider this or else it becomes an item taught after 'pushing' hands. This
is not the same. Also, every styling of LHBF that I have seen does not include this principle.
The basis is a feeling-flow, a Central-Axis, a dynamic a .'water' feeling-flow,
- Water is a metaphor for
fluidic-flow and property-change: it is known dynamic-Qi- 'feel' linked to, but is led by, intrinsic-dynamics, not mind.
- A central vertical axis supports the fludic peripheral body and directs this axis to retain optimal-vertical
'heaven-earth' alignment.
- A dynamic support foundation distributed through the 'true'-axial boney structure
This gives rise to symmetry, parity, polaity, structure-form,
instructuring, connection
as a Ball: Human nature lends itself
to being: soft, hard, or empty, loose-string-spagetti, and pivotal-spot. A ball is a symbol-metaphor: both a form and dynamic
A ball can be soft, solid, and empty-shell.
A ball can be reduced to a spot
A spot can be stretched to a string.
A string can be rotated into a ring
A ring can be rotated into a sphere,
...spheres encircle, companion and enjoin.
Cojoined,...solid, liquid, and called plasma.
Discharging Plasma Globe |

Cannot touch the outside or the center |
Crossing / crossover integration
: Most 'practitioners' of Chinese
or other martial / health exercises prefer to 'name' their the wrongful belief that they are uniquely different.
To them, tai-chi-is not xingyi-, nor is it bagua-. It is factual to say,
they are variants of one another and that their hand motions fundamentals are reducible to 'crossing'. The differences are
standing and stepping...and this also can be shown to be interchangeable.
The 'waving hands' taken from a 'tai-chi-' exercise, when done while walking forward, become a crossing-over; this becomes a 'single palm change' when turning while stepping. This crossing trait, played
out while varying the directions and stepping, is basic to 'water' style. An adept thinker
will note that viewed in sections, crossing-side to side could then also become 'wing chun' motions. Also, the circle-walking
done in reverse stepping can become as 'aikido'.
Single form-movement : Crossing |

Multiple form-names |
Crossing Exchanging |

Aikido Circling Example |
[ Note : the five 'actions' and the 'animal' spirit forms are essentially the same... a series of
interlocked, distributed motions :...expanding, increasing, exchanging, condensing, falling-sinking.
The Five Actions Natural Series: rising, expanding |

leads to crossing, and then contracting, sinking |
Due to the motion relatons, it has been sugested that there 'may' have been of some influence
upon the later exercises, xing-yi- or as xin-yi-, and also upon the health preserving exercises, 'sporting of five animals'
generally attributed to [but unproven] physician, Hua Tuo.
Lifting, Embracing, Gathering |

water-wash flowing |
First : an Anchor...a Foundation
...a Central Axis : a Support
...a Symmetrical-Parity: a Balance
Second : a Trigger
... the hands, prehensile, extend and seek
... the dynamic center of balance, of the body, follows
the hands' lead
... touch precedes thought
...Spirit [espirit] leads, the esoterics and physical follows.