
The Principle Concepts : 'Water' ~ Mt. Hua ~ Numerology
(1) LHPF is a school name
encompasses a collective of exercise forms
[ ie. LHPF+ qi gongs+ animal-forms+
swimming dragon forms addended and augmenting taught by Wu YiHui ] This is a simplification at best.
(2) Water washing/ boxing 'washing' and its'
'swimming' application to boxing seems to be used already both before and during the Sung Period; water boxing was
used in 1930-1940's and is still used in Shanghai throughout the 1900's to current century. Thus a distinction is needed
about a principle of flowing [archaic] and a renaming of LHBF later for simplicity, but not likely equivalency.
(3) The water-boxing name is later reaffixed to the
LiuHeBaFa exercise emerging in America and Europe by various teachers; ...one in principle only, another in name only. Health-exercise:
water/spirit-boxing, water-style, water-boxing, water-spirit, water-method-qi-gong, spirit-method-exercise, spirit-dream.
'Water' boxing as taught..almost anywhere..is not pre-Nanjing 'water' principled boxing.
(4) The named teaching poem, LiuHeBaFa, the 6x8-verses,
is said to have been 'found' by Lee, TungFung; 'a student' of Chen Po; Sung, YuenTung is the given author of their elaboration
the 5-word-Secret-verse song; there are now about 5 commentaries now published in english.
(5) The name of a '66-form' exercise taught by Nanking teacher Wu Yi-hui; The
current lineage teacher Choi WaiLun and other teachers more often refer to their exercise as 'HuaYu' in praise
[acceptable], as a high-standard [symbolic], and as a origin-source [dubious] ...as HuaYu XinYi LiuHeBaFa: this expression
is a simple two parts: 'Mt Hua-inspired + 'central ideas' or 'intrinsic-intuition' + guided by the wisdom of Liu-He
with Ba-Fa poetic-verses.
(6) An existing exercise with core principles renamed: It is known that Wu YiHui had
extensive associated exercise knowledge that he could have reworked. An existing external exercise known as the
8 tactics, Liu Hung's Eight-Link Palms, is a collective of 8 series of forms of about 5-8 movements each.
Their great form-principle similarity suggests this, as well as their numerical relation: ie. 8x8, 6x8.
An obscure exercise, based on the 'water' flowing principles known to have been taught solely by the name water-boxing
which developed further through mingling with hun-yuan and with chan chong yi-quan, both of which were and continue to be
available in Shanghai. The water-boxing completely lacks the forms of the lo hung-8-strategies which are taught as a part
of the LHBF-system.
A named exercise...which also refers to prior, 'shao lin' exercises: xing-yi-ba, liu-he-, ba-fa, in reference to the Song
Dynasty and to symbolic Mt. Hua. Collectively, this also gathers the fundamental and theoretical aspects of each from prior
history.[ 心意把, 六合拳, 八法拳, 華拳, 长拳
(9)An 'official' verbose name [if accepted in its' entirity], which represents two lineages of teachers:
common named: 心意六合八法拳 the
central ideas of LiuHe- and BaFa-boxing...or as secularly named: 華嶽希夷門 from Mt.HueYue and
the [Chen] XiYi-sects [principles] which, for simplicity, is now only called by the LiuHeBaFa-name. [ in consideration that the first half and second halves of the now exercise notably differ, a dual sourcing is
心意六合拳====\ 心意八法拳====\
心意 六合拳+ 八法拳 [ 勢
心意 華嶽山==\ 希夷門========\ 心意
Chen Tuan,陳摶 master
Xi-yi 希夷先生
\華嶽門 希夷門 Mt Hua and Xi-Yi Sect
~ Mt. Hua ~ Numerology: Summary :
is both the name of a teaching poem, the 6x8-verses, said to have been 'found' by Lee, Tung-fung; his student,
Sung, Yuen-tung is the given author of their elaboration the 5-word-verses.
(2) the name of a 'long-form' exercise taught by Nanking teacher
Wu YiHui; The current lineage teacher Choi Wai-lun and other teachers more often refer to their exercise as
'HuaYu' in praise [acceptable], as a high-standard [symbolic], and as a origin-source [dubious] ...as HuaYu XinYi LiuHeBaFa:
this expression is simple two parts: 'Mt Hua central ideas'+ 6x8.
(3) LHPF is a school name encompassing a collective body of
forms [ie. LHPF+qigongs+animal-forms+swimming dragon forms addended and augmenting taught by Wu Yi-hui] Water boxing
seems to be used both during the Sung Period and Water boxing is used in Shanghai in 1930-1940's
(4) the water-boxing name, however, is reaffixed to the LiuHeBaFa
exercise emerging into America by various teachers; there is thus one in principle another in name only. Health-exercise:
water/spirit-boxing, water-style, water-boxing, water-spirit, water-method-qi-gong, spirit-method-exercise, spirit-dream.
Addendum : water boxing, ...Yes or No?
水拳 Shui chuan, water boxing [ water being another metaphor for Tao ]
LHBF is currently and
widely called water-style boxing as it was called in Shanghai [ verified by teacher Ho-]; however Nanjing-HK LHBF is
not water boxing and lacks the form attributes. [ This was demonstrated to Sun Lu-tang ] [ Note: the word 'dao'
also needs to be properly defined; it is best to use the most archaic and simple usage of the concept. ]
"Wang De Wei ( of XianYang
) changed LHBF to water fist, ' per Chen Yi-ren."
An earlier name, is often quoted as being :
水神拳 shui shen chuan, water
spirit boxing; and it has also been called
遊 拳 you chuan, swimming boxing.
Chinese Martial website can be found calling it variously :
水浪拳 shui3 lang4 quan2, water-wave boxing
水家拳 shui3 jia2 quan2, water 'school-style' sect boxing
shui shen chuan, water spirit boxing 噴水拳 Shui lang quan water spray
To further complicate this, there
can be added addaptations and further name changes:
元通八法 Yuan Tong Ba Fa [ per Daoist Yuan-Rong ]
先天十二势 'Yang Jing Qun of Fang Shan [Beijing]
( 房山 杨景群) used ( this type
of ) Xin Yi Liu He, to treat the sick, '
: “Some people say that Liuhebafa was originally called
water boxing. That info is copied and pasted on many websites and seems to be only used for marketing of the
style. That couldn't have been the original name, as according to Chen Yi Ren that name was from a later generation practitioner
named Wang De Wei who changed the name of his own LHBF
to Water Boxing. Re : Name of Water Boxing / Fist, "I have not taught that
water fist means that the the art may be manifested in 3 different states like water; I also have no idea who said this first
or based on what experience/authority/teaching/theoretical basis, but if it aids understanding then i guess its OK. "In
Chen YiRen's writing, he said that Wang De Wei ( of Xian Yang ) renamed LHBF to water fist, later the art was passed to a
Daoist Yuan-Rong, who practiced it as Yuan Tong Ba Fa ( 元通八法 ). "
LHBF was disseminated to people staying between Sichuan and Shaan Xi; especially among the people with surname Ye (
and Li
(李)." "Later
Yang Jing Qun of Fang Shang (房山
杨景群) used (this type of) Xin
Yi Liu He, to treat the sick, and changed its name to 先天十二势. so
you see, actually LHBF have many names before; but Gm Chen's writing did stress that many [prior] LHBF masters were 心意正宗 (authentic school of Xin Yi 心意
). "
[ Note: the Chinese characters do not translate to nor allude to xing-yi exercise; hearts' intent xinyi-
or central ideas of genuine-correct school-sect is the correct translation.]
Yi-Chuan Standing |
Master Han Xing-Yuan |
Waterspirit vs. Yi-Quan :
Water-style qigong-exercise is principled on the dynamic-patterns of flowing.
Yi-Quan strives to build upon instructing-structure to stay within limits of stable
and flexible, it uses standing, stepping, and integrity
testing in progression to then flowing: in unison with self,
with another, with surroundings.
The Water-style relies on intrinsic-resonance, rather than the induced resonance/
cycles of idea-forms. The Hun Yuan-Spiraling and Waving-hands principles are closely allied but start from inducing
through ideation before getting to flowing with the ongoing intrinsic patterns.
Yi Quan uses Shi li, an induced resonance to test integrity and force issuance
this is only part of the standing zhan zhuang
foundation exercises.
If the motions continue with the same feelings as zhan zhuang, but as very
slow, flowing, gentle movements of whole body unity, they become like Tai Chi quan but without complexity or pre-choreographed
forms. Practice
consists of two parts :
training: zhan
(standing post), slow movement exercises shi li and moca bu,
explosively issuing force fa
and voice/ breath practice shi
training: consists of tui
(pushing hands) and san
(learning free fighting). Yiquan uses punching, chopping, hitting
with elbows, knees, head, shoulders, hips and kicking, and also
throwing opponent down and throwing him away. Tui
shou prepares
for san
when there is contact with an opponent it develops the ability to
affecting an opponents balance and seeks and creates opportunities. [Note: Yi quan practice is generally listed as a hierarchy of 7-8 exercise
methdologies; this is actually somewhat misleading. In fact, yi quan training can be separated into foundation building and
martial potential/ practice; thus, only two areas. ]
vs LHPF : So-called water-style is both a principle and a pre- and a post- LHPF exercise with
a formulated-series of formed-principles. The 'water'-like teaching is more important than the LHPF-forms released in Nanking
which have taken on aspects of harder/softer or rounder/linear to suit the various later-teachers; LHPF is thus xingyi-, taichi-,
and bagua-like in practice, possibility, and comparitively. This approach is from the view-point of wu-gong. The water style approach is a flowing-feel without
an attempt to borrow from or to compare the evolving-forms to be other than what they are. The concept that it is a qi-gong
is not even correct either. It is more of a shen-gong: a spirit-exercise of which the qi is an intrinsic part.
...the simple principles are intrinsic-sourced; thus 'water' 'spirit'-feel ...the
simple motions are intrinsic-evolving; thus 'circle' and 'continuous' ...the intrinsic standards within you- the 'child'
of heaven ...and
are trinary and dual: 0-2-4-6-8-... ...the intent itself is instrinsic,
the primordial 'will' of what we are. Thus, for each, you get all these names: water, circle-wun-, 6x8, and yi-; all are alike. You can
make it all as short as one [zhan zhuang], as flowing as you like [waterstyle], with 300-500 methods [LHPF] or longer [WCYHG],
as boom as [yiquan] fa-jing or as untractable and untouchable as water spirit There are two diversions on this free-of-style practice developed
for Yi quan by founder Wang Xiang-zhai in his last year :
[ Taught by Yao
Cheng Guang, President of Beijing ZongXun WuGuan, Beijing Institute of YiQuan. Yi Quan with the feet evenly spaced,
'imagining' wind, wading slowly in a flowing river or a shallow sea, feeling, feeling ones'
way' http://www.yiquan.com/v3/en/file/YangSheng.pdf ] Jian
Wu, Yi Quan Health Dance
Note : as
yi quan practice advances from 'standing, stepping foundations, to martial ready forms and combat practice, ...it could be
said that yi quan's advanced 'swimming and dancing' is where LHBF or water style begins.' This statement is essentially true.