How to 'you' get to 'there'?
A Hitachi marketing expression is: 'inspire to the next'
Inspire is the same as enspire and also en-spirit, so 'breath and spirit' connect to the 'connection' the nexus.
A formula would go like this:
- ~Melt ~ disengage='let-go'
- {make the jump, flow with the event}
- ~Meld ~ engage='join', companion with the
To explain this, discretely as 1,2 easy but not brief. Motion engenders morphing, morphing curves-courses motion.
How many phases are their for water? Traditionally, three (3) :
...solid, liquid, and vapor-gaseous.
It is now understood, that the two interphases betwen solid-liquid and liquid-gase need also be considered.
What is the chemical formual for water? H2O. not truely or completely. It is actually H1.5-O as water matrixes
itself in a grid and shares the hydrogen.
Water droplets- second level dispersion |

Water as a 'inspiring' principle, ...
as a princept to spirit:
...why exercise? ....for spirit.
With spirit, ...then what?
Spiral-Swirl Fractal-patterned |

A Ring Emerges |