How to write the unknown history of a martial art: Method One
1. A sage, living long ago in ancient China created a book of symbols and philosophy; creating the foundations
of the 'famous' martial art known by his name, the 'old one' 2. A sage, living on top
of a mountain, buried in clouds, saw through the mists and wrote down his ideas on a tomb cave wall [ or a book he buried
in a cave wall ]
3. A sage, of great learning, a librarian, on a visit to the West, possibly
India, made a book of his he could give away his autograph, to the lowly gatekeeper.
A sage, walked into a village and laughed at their practice of martial arts; although old, he defeated the village teacher...who
begged the old man to teach him; the village teacher named what he learned after the village...or after himself.
How to write the unknown history of a martial art:
Method Two
1. A boy of good manners, but from a poor family, self-educated himself in all the known arts. 2.
A boy from a poor family, who didn't fall asleep, and liked to travel, visited all the known sages.
A boy from a poor Chinese family, who did not want to work for the evil mongol-manchu governrment or to pay any taxes,
lived in a remote village near a remote mountain.
4. A boy from a royal family who would become
a king, deserted his wife and children; he sat in poverty to understand the experience until he attracted the attention of
followers who made him their king.