What do Teachers think of their students?
......What do Students think of their teachers?
Unfortunately, ....
it is never
what the teacher wanted...whatever the student wanted is too often driven by 'winning' and 'bettering' and trodding their
teacher who usually never included what the student does or says in the teachers curriculum.
Martial art ability may be absent
in most martial arts of today, but bruising
for vanity is not.
Teacher to Teacher, Teacher to Public :
Teacher interactions with another teacher can be polite or adversarial; sometimes due to conceptual
or practical reasons...and sometimes due to depth of understanding. Some teachers cannot handle the truth..and do not
want their students to 'to worship' anyone else...this is simple psychotic vanity: 'I am the one'..all other are number two.
Some teachers just do not want to change even if it would do them some good.
Some teachers have actually gone into a 'conservatorship' of archiving and preserving 'Tang' Dynasty or
ShaoLin- types of exercises in the false believe that they must be preserved before they become lost or changed. Unfortunately,
they are always changing and the 'original' was more likely a composite.
Sometimes when a teacher points out the weaknesses of another teachers' styling...as he was taught
by his teacher, ...there results a backlash akin to 'you are insulting our teacher and his teacher.' Surprising how easily
western students become zealots just like their asian counterparts.
Je-shua prepares himself |

to receive a closeup smack from student Judas |
Dear Liuhebafa / Liuhopafa (LHBF) brothers and practitioners,
Recently, it has come to our attention that an individual(s) has attempted to
cause disharmony and unrest within our peaceful LHBF community.
The individual(s) pretended to be a student from Master Kam Tung's Hong Kong
school. On the surface, the individual(s) pretended to actively promote Master Kam Tung's school on various websites and online
forums which included: YouTube.com, Emptyflower.com , the 'LHPF' and 'LHBF' Yahoo Groups, http://members.boardhost.com/xinyi/ and more.
However, he also made a number of suggestive and inflammatory comments against
other LHBF practitioners which included Master Choi Wai-Lun.
We are here to clarify the following :
1) Master Kam Tung's school does not know who this individual(s) is, and has no prior knowledge of this
individual(s)' activities.
2) Master Kam Tung's school does not approve nor endorse any of the individual(s)' activities.
4) Master Choi Wai-Lun and Master Kam Tung do not approve any statement made, or quoted on their behalf,
on any public forums outside of their own websites ( www.liuhopafa.com or www.liuhebafa.com.hk ).
Master Choi Wai-Lun and Master Kam Tung were both students and very close classmates
under the late Grandmaster Chan Yik-Yan. We want nothing but peace and harmony among all fellow LHBF brothers and practitioners.
It is our sincere wish that the students of Master Choi Wai-Lun and Master Kam Tung will continue to grow even stronger ties
and friendships than ever before. We do not encourage any activity which may disrupt our peace and harmony. Any more of such
activity will not cause us any harm, but will only serve to damage the individual(s)' own reputations.